Friday, May 16, 2008

What I am learning...

I started NutriSytem about 2 months ago. What I have learned is that I knew nothing about what a portion of something really is. I have tried other things to take the weight off but they never really worked because portion meant nothing to me. I hate counting calories. It wasn't very realistic for me to think I would ever take the time to read the serving size and figure out how much I was eating and keep a total for the entire day. I know with modern technology they now have programs that will help you do that. It just wasn't something that would work for me. I needed someone to say... this is it. Eat what we send you plus this, drink water and that is it.

I also learned that leaving something behind on your plate is not a bad thing. I have been guilty in the past of making the comment about the starving children of the world and wasting food. I personally have never packaged any leftover food up and sent it any where but my frig to turn into some kind of weird science project because we do not really eat leftovers unless it was for lunch the next day. After that...weird science at it's best! Trying to figure out to stop eating when you are full is like trying to figure out when a newborn cries if it is hungry, wet or just needs to be held. When someone can learn to translate the meaning of those cries correctly please put them on to making a device that beeps when you are full! It is really okay to not be a member of the clean plate club. Maybe not starting with such large portions would make more sense when talking about a clean plate.

Let them eat CAKE... I think everyone should be allowed to eat dessert,sweet or salty. Knowing that you can have something, even a little something about an hour after dinner makes the world a better place. It allows me to stop eating before I have devoured my entire plate. Perhaps teaching children to eat a little of the veggies and meat then you can have something later instead of having to clean the entire plate to get to the prize would be a good thing. Not that my eating habits came from being made to clean my plate. I think that was something I learned as a adult.

Wait, weight... It is funny and heart breaking to think that I just woke up one day and was this size so now I should be able to go back to sleep and magically become smaller. I don't think my mind is always my friend. Do you ever dream at night? I do and guess what, in all my dreams I am the size I once was. I don't and I have never wanted to be bone thin. I like having some meat on my bones but I have never once dreamed of me the way I am when I look into the mirror. I guess that is why when I get up in the morning and glance into the mirror I am always thinking who in the heck is that and where did I go.

Next time I think I will talk about why I eat... I don't think it really has anything to do with hunger!

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